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Legal References
This page contains the legal references in PDF format.
Serrano Initial Brief
Nota de Protesta Informe Interministerial
Nota de Protesta Recibida por EEUU Embajada
Carta al Defensor del Pueblo del Ministro de Gobierno
Carta al Procurador del Ministro de Gobierno
Crean la Comision - Page 1
Crean la Comision - Page 2
Florida Law Weekly FSC Opinion on Truskoski Cases 081014
Florida Supreme Court Docket 081015
Letter to FSC to Dismiss Truskoski (Spanish)
Serrano Discharge Motion (Spanish)
Serrano Discharge Motion (English)
Truskoski Fee Hearing Court Doc 080915
Truskoski Hearing for Fees 080825

Nelson Ivan Serrano
from Injustice to Freedom

Sign and share the petition to help Nelson Serrano access a fair trial in the USA
We already have more than 54,000 signatures!!! Our goal is to reach 100,000!!!

Ecuadorian Minister
of Justice and Ecuadorian Ambassador met with Governor Scott's legal counsel
Initial Brief filed with the Florida Supreme Court is warranted
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